Sun Tiger Games Licenses

Our various license policies

We care about making our products and services as usable and effective as possible, and we believe one of the ways we can effectively do this is by utilizing various licensing strategies for our games, internet content, game rules, and game systems.

Website License

You’ll notice our website has a little badge at the bottom of every page:

Creative Commons License

This is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which you can learn more about here. Please review the link for definite terms and definitions, but what this means is you are basically free to do with the content whatever you wish, but you must attribute Sun Tiger Games LLC with the following attribution notice:

This content is attributed to Sun Tiger Games LLC, who has released it under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

The only other stipulation is that if you revise, update, or edit it in any way that you indicate such changes were made. Our content is made by different people, but Sun Tiger Games LLC is the umbrella that covers all of our published and designed content.

Game Licenses

Currently we are working on choosing the most appropriate license to create the games we want to release with the most power to the player. As we have yet to officially release any games, we are still developing our options. Stay tuned to learn more when we do!