About Sun Tiger Games

Who we are and what we do

Sun Tiger Games is committed to giving players what they need to play the games they want to play, the way they want to play them. Our goal is to make games that are:

  1. Fun to play
  2. Engaging
  3. Affordable for players
  4. Supported for more than just two releases

Our slogan says it all:

Games Made For Players

Of course, no company is perfect, and no game is perfect! It takes time, effort, and learning from plenty of mistakes to make something truly great. We understand and recognize this. As such, our plan is to support and develop our games long enough and in such a way that—should we ever cease to make the game—players and even other companies could revive the game without dealing with the legal trouble of reintroducing the game to the market. We hope to do this by utilizing unconventional licensing and sale platforms to position our games such that anyone could contribute to their success.

A Brief Backstory

In the past (and even in the present), game companies would make a game, they make a release or two for the game, watch it be less of a commercial success as other enfranchised games, then subsequently kill it off and then never support it again because it wasn’t a huge success. There is no longevity to these dead card games and certainly no company support for these games. Typically the company would file copyrights, trademarks, and even sometimes patents for these games that—when dead and no longer supported—would leave these games in a state of permanent decay where no one could touch them due to legal concerns. No players could feasibly bring the game back to life, there were no useful tools or information on how to perpetuate the game, and the company would not even respond to players seeking to revive the game they loved so much.

Of course, this means fans would continue to work on these games in their spare time, with no hope that their work would ever see the light of day nor attract a large enough following to bring these games back. After a while, this would lead to players eventually dropping off until there’s only a small few still holding onto the last drops of hope left in a dry well.

Companies who were able to revive the game in some capacity would be forced to run as a non-profit which permanently cripples their ability to actually pay people for their time to make good products, and typically they lack the longevity needed to make great products and maybe finally make that game a success that it rightfully deserved due to lack of reasonable profit margins.

We hope to change this.

Games Made For Players

On the surface, this sounds like an oxymoron. But hopefully we can shed light on how and why this matters to us and should matter to every game company.

The players and fans are the lifeblood of every game, no exception. If there were no players to play the game, there wouldn’t be a game. If there were no players who loved the game and loved it so much they taught others, attended events, bought product, engaged with the game in communities… Then the game would have no soul!

When games aren’t made for players, you begin to see things like:

On the flip side, this means that we put players first, money second. Of course, profit is required to keep a company and a game growing, but at Sun Tiger Games our focus is the players, not the profit. This means we create products and services that players would enjoy and use. This doesn’t mean we ignore collectors, it just means they are not our focus. We intend to make product for them, but people who just want to play our games comes first. We’ve seen what happens to games when they focus solely on collectors and “investors”, and it almost always doesn’t end well. But we hope to change this!

For example, some of the strategies we employ to make our games for players may include:

… And many more!

More Information

Wanna know who currently works for Sun Tiger Games? Check out our staff page. Have questions? Maybe our FAQ can help! Need to reach out with questions about the website or us? You can contact us by email soon! Maybe you’d like to know more about our release model of the Expandable Card Game? (that last one will be released as a blog post soon!)