Frequently Asked Questions

Or rather, questions likely to be asked

Here’s a list of all the questions that people have asked, will ask, or that we ourselves have asked of us!

Who runs Sun Tiger Games?

Currently Sun TIger Games LLC is owned and operated solely by Kenneth Emond II, the original creator of the company. He also has a silly personal website found here, which he updates occasionally.

Where did the name come from?

The owner, Kenny, has loved tigers since he was -3 years old, and since the company was founded in Florida—known as the Sunshine State in the USA—it only made since to name the company after two things that embody both. Hence “Sun Tiger Games” was born!

Why the slogan “Games Made For Players”?

You can learn more about that in our About page, where we dive into detail our philosophy for making games and why players first matters so much to us.